

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Fresh Fruit with Lime

Spring is here in the Northeast and the colorful fruit and berries are coming into the markets. My eyes are attracted to bright colors and my mouth waters anticipating the burst of flavor from my favorite fruits and berries. This is a very happy pick-me-up fruit salad and so full of nutrients and vitamins. You can't help but smile when you are eating healthy like this :)

Here is my favorite antioxident fruit salad, inspired by Nigella Lawson's version which included pomegranate seeds.

Fruits in my fruit salad: wash and gently dry all fresh berries first.

One pint of fresh strawberries, sliced
One fresh mango, cut into small pieces
One pint of fresh blueberries
One half fresh lime

Put all the cut fruit and berries into a serving bowl.
Squeeze the fresh lime juice all over the cut fruit and berries.
Gently mix all the fruit and berries together to distribute the lime juice.

Serve the fresh fruit salad into your favorite dessert bowls.

The Souper

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